Many a Condominium Association Board finds itself in the position of having to pay for necessary maintenance, repair, or replacement of common elements (e.g., balconies, windows, roofs), but without sufficient monies on hand or income in the annual budget to pay for the work. A decision often has to be made, then, whether to borrow … Read More ›
So the board of your association has made the decision to seek an amendment to the declaration to restrict leasing of units. There are many components to a lease restriction amendment, and the board needs to address each to craft an amendment that is right for the particular association. There is no “one size fits … Read More ›
The mortgage foreclosure crisis impacting associations is not going away anytime soon. Today’s column addresses why the association is a defendant in a unit owner’s mortgage foreclosure case, the impact of a foreclosure, and how an association can respond to such a lawsuit.
The mortgage, which serves as the collateral for a lender, permits the lender … Read More ›
I recently conducted a webinar concerning association liability for the criminal acts of third parties. It was pretty well received, so I am going to provide the abbreviated version here.
Associations are not immune from criminal intruders and crimes against residents. This can include theft from cars, vandalism of cars, burglary of units, muggings, robbery, and … Read More ›