For the owner of an apartment building trying to serve tenants and make a profit, property taxes are generally the second-highest expense, only after the financing costs of the property.
Apartment building owners can be frustrated because they think they lack control over their tax liability. KSN property tax appeal attorneys concentrate on real estate property tax analysis and tax liability planning. Our law firm works in partnership with landlords, multi-family property owners, and real estate investors to assist them in the cost-effective management of their properties, specifically focusing on their property tax burdens.
In Illinois, income-producing properties are valued in the assessment process based on their income-producing capacity. Expenses and rent are major factors in our analysis of the property’s value.
KSN does not have a processing fee. You pay no legal fees unless we are able to reduce your property tax assessment reduction. We maintain competitive fee rates so you save more money by choosing KSN instead of our competitors.
Questions about our property tax appeal services? Ready to start your appeal?
Please fill out the form below or call us at 1-855-537-0500.
Please contact us today to discuss your legal needs. Call us at 1-855-537-0500 or complete our Contact form to send us a message.
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