Understanding your duties as a condominium, homeowner (HOA), or townhome association board member is vital to successfully manage the community.


There are typically four primary board office positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Every community is unique. Accordingly, each board member’s role can vary based on need and expectations.


Below is a general breakdown of volunteer board member responsibilities by position.



  • Oversees and handles procedural duties
  • Understands the association’s governing documents
  • Runs an effective board meeting that addresses association business and issues
  • Calls the meeting to order, calls for votes, and maintains attendee decorum


Vice President:

  • Ensures the flow of association business
  • Serves as a reference source of the community’s rules, bylaws, and governing documents
  • Acts as president when the president is unable to perform procedural duties



  • Responsible for the association’s funds, securities, and financial records
  • Oversees billing, collections, and the association’s budget
  • Ensures funds are collected, disbursed, and invested properly while following the association’s by-laws and governing documents



  • Records meeting minutes, maintains official records, and updates documents as required
  • Posts meeting minutes and agendas


Additionally, an association will often also seek guidance from a property manager and an attorney on community issues. Below is a breakdown of some general property manager and attorney responsibilities.


Property Manager:

  • Advises on budget management and vendor relations
  • Manages repair projects and maintenance issues
  • Oversee move-outs as well as vacant properties
  • Communicates with owners



  • Help board members understand their rights and responsibilities
  • Address issues of liability and
  • Interpret, draft, and revise governing documents including the association’s articles of incorporation, amendments, bylaws, CC&Rs (covenants, conditions, and restrictions), rules and regulations
  • Ensure the association is complying with local, state, and federal laws
  • Advise on legal issues including review vendor contracts and violation enforcement
  • Assist with delinquent assessment collection


Membership on a community association board is a serious responsibility and should not be taken lightly. New board members should be engaged. They should attend meetings, review materials, be attentive to community concerns, ask questions, and work through established procedures. These actions will help the board operate efficiently and effect change where needed.


If KSN can assist your Board with any legal concerns, do not hesitate to contact our law firm. Please call 855-537-0500 or visit www.ksnlaw.com.


Since 1983, KSN has been a legal resource for condominium, homeowner, and townhome associations. Additionally, we represent clients in real estate transactions, collectionslandlord/tenant issues, and property tax appeals. We represent thousands of clients and community associations throughout the US with offices in several states including Florida, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.


Please note the material contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is established by your review or receipt of the information contained in this article. You should not act on the information discussed in this article without first obtaining legal advice from an attorney duly licensed to practice law in your State. While KSN has made every effort to include up-to-date information in this article, the law can change quickly. Accordingly, please understand that information discussed in this article may not yet reflect the most recent legal developments. Material is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. KSN reserves the right to revise or update the information and statements of law discussed in the article law at any time, without notice, and disclaims any liability for your use of information or statements of law discussed on the article, or the accessibility of the article generally. This article may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under applicable law/s and/or ethical rules/regulations. © 2022 Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit, A Professional Corporation.